Location :
- sector:- 16, 31, 39, 40, 64, 69, 70, 71, 80, 82
Allotment Process :
Noida announces e-Auction for the allotment of Commercial Plots as per terms and conditions prescribed in the e-brochure. Allotment of advertised commercial plots will be done through E-Auction process wherein the E-bidder will bid for the highest bid against the reserve price mentioned in the E-brochure Annexure-A. In the E-Auction process, in case there are less than 3 bidders participating in the first instance against a plot(s), then last date of submission of application shall be extended by 07 days for that particular plot(s). It shall be extended further for a time period of 07 days, if the number of bidders against that particular plot(s) is less than three. However, the plot shall be allotted to the highest bidder, even if there are less than three bidders in the E-Auction after two extensions of 07 days each. Application less than three received in first/second time in above process, shall be rolled over and carried to the next phase automatically. Hence they need not reapply.
Eligibility for participation
- Any person citizen of India and legally competent to enter into a contract will be eligible to participate in the auction .
- In case of e-bid on behalf of an Individual he/she is required to submit a copy of Aadhar card, PAN Card, Passport, Driving License etc.
- In case of e-bid on behalf of Partnership firm, all partners are required to sign the tender form along with Form A & B and Partnership Deed.
- In case of e-bid on behalf of a Pvt./Public Ltd. Company, Co-operative Society, resolution duly signed and attested, authorizing the tenderer to submit tender on behalf of the company, Co-operative Society, is to be enclosed along with tender form along with List of Director(s)/Shareholder(s)/ Trustee(s) duly attested by Chartered Accountant is required to be submitted.
- E-bid in the name of more than one individual will not be allowed. In case of e-bid on behalf of more than one individual he/she is required to form Partnership Firm, Private Limited Company or LLP
- E-bidder should ensure that all the required documents for each category are uploaded well before the closing date and time of the scheme i.e 07.03.2024
- No e-bid below the reserve price will be accepted.
- In the event of default or breach or non-compliance of any of the terms and conditions as indicated or for furnishing any wrong or incorrect information at the time of auction etc. the Competent Authority shall have the right to cancel the bid and forfeit whole or any part of the amount paid by the bidder.
How to Participate :
- Interested parties will need to register and obtain user ID and password on the portal https://nda.etender.sbi and thereafter deposit non refundable and non adjustable Processing Fees of Rs 10,000+G.S.T @ 18% separately against each property for participation in the e-auction through online payment on or before 06.03.2024 by 5.00 pm. NOIDA will not be responsible for any payment after that and bid will not be considered.It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder/participant to obtain a compatible computer terminal with internet connection to enable him/her to participate in e-bidding process any reasons thereof. Bidder is required to deposit a separate EMD for each advertised property.
- The Authority may without assigning any reason withdraw any or all the sites from the e-auction at any stage and is not bound to accept the highest bid or all bids even if they are above the reserve price.
- Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids or cancel/postpone the e-auction without assigning any reason.
- E-Auction will be done on the basis of Reserve Price mentioned in Annexure-A with a minimum bidding increase of Rs 1000/- Per Sq Mtr.
Mode of Payments :
Post registration, E-bidder shall proceed for login by using his ID & password. Bidder shall proceed to select the event he is interested in. The E-bidder would have following options to make payment towards processing fees and Earnest Money Deposited (EMD) through valid:
A) Credit Card. : For Processing Fee.
B) Net Banking : For Processing Fee and EMD.
C) NEFT : For Processing Fee and EMD.
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